Avi Keller Tax Accountant


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886 East New York Ave. , Brooklyn, NY 11203


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David March 24, 2024

Avi Keller charged me $3,000 for basic services, ignored calls, claimed that filed for an extension 'without consent' and I ended paying IRS penalties for late filing!

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David March 24, 2024

Avi Keller overcharged $3,000 for a simple LLC filing and W2 taxes, whereas my previous accountant only charged $350 for the same service. He lured me in with promises of facilitating a home purchase through his filing methods. However, once I made the payment, he became stop answering my phones or messages, and when I was able to reach him with a different number he will say that he's on vacation or promising to call back but never following through. He also filed for an extension without my consent, resulting in a $600 fine from the IRS for late filing, which he brushed off with a casual "don't worry." Later when I asked again, he shifted blame onto me for not preparing taxes, despite never informing me of any prepayment requirements. He remarked that he works for the money when I questioned about his exorbitant fees that I paid, swiftly changing the subject thereafter. Additionally, Avi failed to provide me with my 2022 tax filings despite repeated attempts to reach him through various channels. Furthermore, he suggested I pay an additional $20,000 in taxes through his business to qualify for a mortgage. I'm grateful to consult with a reputable mortgage advisor who assured me I didn't need to pay any more taxes and was already eligible for the mortgage amount I sought. Upon discussing with a friend, I learned that Keller also charged him $450 for a similarly straightforward W2 filing, and he too didn't receive his tax return after many requests. Avi is unwilling to answer questions unless he sees a chance to make a significant profit. He literally charges ten times the normal rate, and you need to chase him for any work. I recommend finding someone with positive reviews to avoid a similar exploitation.

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David March 24, 2024

Avi Keller overcharged $3,000 for a simple LLC filing and W2 taxes, whereas my previous accountant only charged $350 for the same service. He lured me in with promises of facilitating a home purchase through his filing methods. However, once I made the payment, he became stop answering my phones or messages, and when I was able to reach him with a different number he will say that he's on vacation or promising to call back but never following through. He also filed for an extension without my consent, resulting in a $600 fine from the IRS for late filing, which he brushed off with a casual "don't worry." Later when I asked again, he shifted blame onto me for not preparing taxes, despite never informing me of any prepayment requirements. He remarked that he works for the money when I questioned about his exorbitant fees that I paid, swiftly changing the subject thereafter. Additionally, Avi failed to provide me with my 2022 tax filings despite repeated attempts to reach him through various channels. Furthermore, he suggested I pay an additional $20,000 in taxes through his business to qualify for a mortgage. I'm grateful to consult with a reputable mortgage advisor who assured me I didn't need to pay any more taxes and was already eligible for the mortgage amount I sought. Upon discussing with a friend, I learned that Keller also charged him $450 for a similarly straightforward W2 filing, and he too didn't receive his tax return after many requests. Avi is unwilling to answer questions unless he sees a chance to make a significant profit. He literally charges ten times the normal rate, and you need to chase him for any work. I recommend finding someone with positive reviews to avoid a similar exploitation.

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